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Paths Forward

The personal opinions on this page deal with paths forward, i.e., how should we responsibly transition to carbon-neutral energy?

GCC members express their personal views on paths forward. Also included are links on published reports on climate solution paths forward. In some cases, GCC members comment on those published reports through a written article or video. GCC member opinions on paths forward are their personal opinions and are not the result of work on the Global Solutions Program.

Dispassionate Deliberate Collaboration Can Resolve Global Warming and its Climate Change Effects

Tom Rehm, March 17, 2021

At the AIChE Midwest Regional Conference in Chicago (virtual), Tom presented the work of the AIChE on climate solutions and the application of the Wicked Problem Approach to minimize the detrimental effects of public passions, vested interests and political agendas.

Joint Statement on the Environment


The heads of the Roman  Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican Churches have issued a Joint Statement on the Environment (September 2021) that calls on world leaders to “listen to the cry of the earth”. The three leaders — Patriarch Bartholomew, Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby — together are responsible for the religious guidance of about 1.6 billion Christians.

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